Перекласти речення:
1. Сестра мого тата це моя тітка.
2. Там є кілька ресторанів швидкого харчування
3. Чи ти живеш у Лондоні?
4. Він дивиться телевізор кожного ранку
5. Вона грає у футбол зараз
6. Моя сестра найвища дівчина у нашому класі.
7. Чи ти цікавишся спортом?
8. Ми ходили до школи минулого тижня.
9. Моя сестра Катя була вчителькою в 2016 році.
10. Ми не грали у теніс вчора.
11. Мій тато лікар.
12. Моя мама була в США.
Answers & Comments
My dad's sister is my aunt.
There are several fast-food restaurants there.
Do you live in London?
He watches television every morning.
She is playing soccer right now.
My sister is the tallest girl in our class.
Are you interested in sports?
We walked to school last week.
My sister Katya was a teacher in 2016.
We didn't play tennis yesterday.
My dad is a doctor.
My mom was in the USA.
1. My dad's sister is my aunt.
2. There are several fast food restaurants there
3. Do you live in London?
4. He watches TV every morning
5. She is playing soccer now
6. My sister is the tallest a girl in our class.
7. Are you interested in sports?
8. We went to school last week.
9. My sister Katya was a teacher in 2016.10. We didn't play tennis yesterday.
11. My dad is a doctor.
12. My mother was in the USA.