"The Lion King" is the first Disney animated feature not based on an existing story. In another sense, it is based on half the stories in classical mythology. It tells the tale of the birth, childhood, and eventual manhood of Simba, a lion cub. The cub's birth is announced in the opening sequence of the movie, called "The Circle of Life," which is an evocative collaboration of music and animation to show all of the animals of the African veld gathering to hail their future king. The cute little cub is held aloft from a dramatic spur of rock, and all his future minions below hail him, in a staging that looks like the jungle equivalent of a political rally.
2. I like this cartoon because interesting.
The Lion King is a great film. Along with a great story (inspired by William Shakespeare's Hamlet), terrific animation, voices, there are the lessons that are learned from this film (despite being a little rough for the younger children). Like responsibility and honor.
3. Simba NalaMufasa Scar TimonPumba
Hakuna Matata, the catchphrase that this movie made many say for years, the movie is full of action and fun, that has made it one of the best 2D see, the movie dialogue is also intriguing and funny, the movie which seems to be in three parts, the first being Simba's life in Pride rock, his life with Timon and Pumbaa where he loses some of his Lion instincts and the last part where he goes back to Prideto reclaim his throne.
4. Cartoon about how Simba became king.
The movie plot of Lion king is about a lion cub named Simba who gets framed for murdering his father (Mufasa voiced by James Earl Jones) by his uncle Scar (Jeremy Irons). Simba runs away from his right as heir to the throne and meets and befriends a meerkat, Timon (Nathan Lane), and a warthog Pumbaa (Ernie Sabella). Things were going well but the past that Simba ran from found him where he was hiding and now Simba (Matthew Broderick) has to go back to Pride Rock to face his past.
5. I like Simba the most because he is brave, strong, and kind.
The Rockies The Lion King Mufasa (James Earl Jones) just had a baby cub named Simba. All of the animals come to the ceremony, except for Mufasa's brother Scar (Jeremy Irons). Scar desperately wants to be King, but can't. As long as Mufasa and Simba are there. Soon Simba is able to walk and talk and is voiced by Jonathon Taylor Thomas. After hearing about an elephant graveyard from Scar, he andan a cast animation couldand of his friend Nala (Niketa Calame) visit it. They meet three bumbling hyenas: Banzai (Cheech Marin), Shenzi (Whoopi Goldberg), and Ed (Jim Cummings), but they manage to leave unhurt. The scar is upset that the hyenas didn't do the job, so he orders a stampede to wipe out both of them, but it only takes care of Mufasa. Scar convinces Simba that he killed Mufasa, not Scar. So Simba flees into exile. all-star
Answers & Comments
1. I choose the cartoon Lion King
"The Lion King" is the first Disney animated feature not based on an existing story. In another sense, it is based on half the stories in classical mythology. It tells the tale of the birth, childhood, and eventual manhood of Simba, a lion cub. The cub's birth is announced in the opening sequence of the movie, called "The Circle of Life," which is an evocative collaboration of music and animation to show all of the animals of the African veld gathering to hail their future king. The cute little cub is held aloft from a dramatic spur of rock, and all his future minions below hail him, in a staging that looks like the jungle equivalent of a political rally.
2. I like this cartoon because interesting.
The Lion King is a great film. Along with a great story (inspired by William Shakespeare's Hamlet), terrific animation, voices, there are the lessons that are learned from this film (despite being a little rough for the younger children). Like responsibility and honor.
3. Simba NalaMufasa Scar TimonPumba
Hakuna Matata, the catchphrase that this movie made many say for years, the movie is full of action and fun, that has made it one of the best 2D see, the movie dialogue is also intriguing and funny, the movie which seems to be in three parts, the first being Simba's life in Pride rock, his life with Timon and Pumbaa where he loses some of his Lion instincts and the last part where he goes back to Prideto reclaim his throne.
4. Cartoon about how Simba became king.
The movie plot of Lion king is about a lion cub named Simba who gets framed for murdering his father (Mufasa voiced by James Earl Jones) by his uncle Scar (Jeremy Irons). Simba runs away from his right as heir to the throne and meets and befriends a meerkat, Timon (Nathan Lane), and a warthog Pumbaa (Ernie Sabella). Things were going well but the past that Simba ran from found him where he was hiding and now Simba (Matthew Broderick) has to go back to Pride Rock to face his past.
5. I like Simba the most because he is brave, strong, and kind.
The Rockies The Lion King Mufasa (James Earl Jones) just had a baby cub named Simba. All of the animals come to the ceremony, except for Mufasa's brother Scar (Jeremy Irons). Scar desperately wants to be King, but can't. As long as Mufasa and Simba are there. Soon Simba is able to walk and talk and is voiced by Jonathon Taylor Thomas. After hearing about an elephant graveyard from Scar, he andan a cast animation couldand of his friend Nala (Niketa Calame) visit it. They meet three bumbling hyenas: Banzai (Cheech Marin), Shenzi (Whoopi Goldberg), and Ed (Jim Cummings), but they manage to leave unhurt. The scar is upset that the hyenas didn't do the job, so he orders a stampede to wipe out both of them, but it only takes care of Mufasa. Scar convinces Simba that he killed Mufasa, not Scar. So Simba flees into exile. all-star