1. Let's not go ... in the evening. Let's stay at home.
nowhere anywhere somewhere

2. The policeman wanted me to tell him ... I know.
something anything everything

3. Hello! Is ... home?
nobody somebody anybody

4. Why are you standing? - Because there is ... to sit.
everywhere somewhere nowhere

5. I can't find my pencils. I always put them somewhere and then look for them ... .
nowhere somewhere everywhere

6. Is there ... in the room who knows the answer?
anybody nobody somebody

7. I can see nothing in the corner of the bedroom. Can you see ... ?
something anything nothing

8. Let's have dinner. ... is hungry.
anybody everybody somebody

9. ... can answer this question. It is very simple.
anyone someone no one

10. I’m looking for my lighter. I can’t find it ........................ .
nowhere anywhere somewhere
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