1 the passage below consists of two stories which have been mixed up. choose one of them and write it out in full.
a man was saving for a new car. it was to be a surprise, and he didn't tell his wife that he had already saved $500 and hidden it in a pile of old clothes. a man had worn a hearing aid for 20 years, but it had never seemed to help him hear better. he was out when the dustmen called and his wife gave them the old clothes. when he went to hospital for a routine check-up, he was told he was wearing it in the wrong ear. when he discovered the mistake he hired a mechanical digger to search the rubbish dump. said, "they must have made a mistake when they first gave it to me. i always thought it was useless. after two days search he gave up and started saving again.
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1 приведенный ниже отрывок состоит из двух историй, которые были перепутаны. выберите один из них и напишите его полностью. мужчина копил деньги на новую машину. это должно было стать сюрпризом, и он этого не сделал
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