питання ідуть про тваринництво
срочно пожалуста
Дайте відповіді на питання: 1. What is planned to increase? 2. What provision is made for the production of feeds? 3. What kinds of lands will be used for the production of feeds? 4. How will the productivity of natural hayfields enhance? 5. What is another major orientation in the promotion of livestock breeding? 6. What is the aim of our agrarian policy? 7. What must be reduced as far as town and countryside are concerned?
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
The context of the sentences is unclear, so it is not possible to determine what is planned to increase.
The sentence does not provide enough context to answer the question.
The sentence does not provide enough context to answer the question.
The productivity of natural hayfields will enhance through planned measures that are not specified in the given sentence.
Another major orientation in the promotion of livestock breeding is not specified in the given sentence.
The aim of the agrarian policy is not specified in the given sentence.
It is not clear what needs to be reduced as far as town and countryside are concerned, as the sentence does not provide enough context.