I was in a medieval English city.By the end of the 10th century, new cities had sprung up in England. Such ancient cities as London, Winchester, and York, which were small trading settlements after the Romans left Britain, developed into centers of trade and crafts.Early cities were not much different from villages. They were surrounded by walls with several gates, which were guarded by guards. The gates were opened at dawn and locked at sunset. An example of such a gate in Canterbury can be seen in the title photo of this article. Outside the city, there were fields that ran up to the very foot of the city walls.Three arable fields were divided into strips and used by the townspeople for farming. On pastures and meadows, the inhabitants grazed cattle and geese. Gardens and vegetable gardens were planted inside the city. I really enjoyed visiting ancient England. It was very interesting to see how they used to live
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I was in a medieval English city.By the end of the 10th century, new cities had sprung up in England. Such ancient cities as London, Winchester, and York, which were small trading settlements after the Romans left Britain, developed into centers of trade and crafts.Early cities were not much different from villages. They were surrounded by walls with several gates, which were guarded by guards. The gates were opened at dawn and locked at sunset. An example of such a gate in Canterbury can be seen in the title photo of this article. Outside the city, there were fields that ran up to the very foot of the city walls.Three arable fields were divided into strips and used by the townspeople for farming. On pastures and meadows, the inhabitants grazed cattle and geese. Gardens and vegetable gardens were planted inside the city. I really enjoyed visiting ancient England. It was very interesting to see how they used to live