10.4.d the text. For each
gap choose from the
sentences (A-H) the one that
best completes each gap. There
is one extra sentence.
A She realised that should not be so,
and turned on the light.
B To my amazement, the window
was wide open.
C I crossed the bedroom on tiptoe
and pulled the window shut sharply.
D It misted the goggles, and the first
thing I did in the outhouse was to
wash it off my face.
E They didn't try anything or do
anything there.
F I took no risks when I went to
fetch them.
G Four months later they broke in again.
H They're just plants.
Answers & Comments
1) h
2) e
3) a
4) c
5) f
6) d
7) g
P.S. 100% верный ответ. Сверяла с книгой (откуда собственно отрывки).