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I have a pet - a little dog named Barney. He is very cute and playful. There is a special room in our house for him, where there is everything he needs: a bed, bowls for food and water, toys. Barney has got soft fur and big brown eyes. He can run very fast and loves to play fetch. There are many parks near our house where we can take him for walks.
Now, here are 10 questions with short answers about the story:
What is the pet’s name? - Barney.
What kind of animal is Barney? - A dog.
Is there a special room for Barney in the house? - Yes, there is.
What does Barney have in his room? - A bed, bowls for food and water, toys.
What color are Barney’s eyes? - Brown.
Can Barney run fast? - Yes, he can.
What game does Barney love to play? - Fetch.
Are there parks near the house? - Yes, there are.
Who takes Barney for walks? - The owner.
Is Barney cute and playful? - Yes, he is.