19. Азбука дЛЯ СЛЕПЫХ
Будучи еще малышом, изобретатель азбуки для слепых, Луи Брайль ослеп сам. Это не помешало ему выучиться, стать педагогом, и изобрести специальный метод объемной печати, теперь буквы можно было осязать пальцами. Азбука Брайля используется и поныне, благодаря ей люди, потерявшие зрение или слепые с рождения, смогли получить знания, устроиться на интеллектуальную работу. пожалуйста переведите на английский 7 класс.
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While still a toddler, the inventor of the alphabet for the blind, Louis Braille became blind himself. This did not stop him from learning, becoming a teacher, and inventing a special method of volumetric printing, now the letters could be felt with your fingers. The Braille alphabet is still used today, thanks to it, people who have lost their sight or have been blind since birth were able to gain knowledge and get an intellectual
As a child, the inventor of the alphabet for the blind, Louis Braille, became blind himself. This did not prevent him from studying, becoming a teacher and inventing a special method of three-dimensional printing, now you could touch the letters with your fingers. Braille is still in use, thanks to it, people who have lost their sight or have been blind since birth have been able to gain the knowledge to get an intellectual job.