измените эти активные предложения на пассивные. 1.Picasso was painting Guernica at that time. 2.The cleaner has cleaned the office. 3.He had written three books before 1867. 4.John will tell you later. 5.People speak Portuguese in Brazil. 6.They are building a new stadium near the station. 7.A workman will repair the computer tomorrow. 8.By next year the students will have studied the passive. 9.
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1. Guernica was being painted by Picasso at that time. 2. The office has been cleaned by the cleaner. Или The office was cleaned by the cleaner. 3. Three books were written by him before 1867. 4. It will be told you by John later. 5. Portuguese is spoken by people in Brazil. 6. A new stadium is being built by them near the station. 7. The computer will be repaired by a workman tomorrow. 8. The passive will have been studied by students next year.