October 2023 1 8 Report
2 Read the email from an English friend called Leo. Underline the points that Leo wants you to answer. From: Leo Subject: Hi I hope everything's OK. It seems a long time since I heard from you. What have you and your family been doing recently? I'm trying to decide which universities to apply to. My main decision is about whether to study abroad or not. I've looked at some universities in Australia, and I'd love to go there to study. There are some excellent courses and I could spend my free time doing sports, which I love, as you know! I'm also considering coming to study in your country. What do you think the advantages are for me doing that? On the other hand, I can see that staying in England is easier. Maybe you could come and study here, or we could both go and study in Australia together! What would you prefer? This week I've been doing work experience. My school organised some work for me in a fashion designer's studio! It has been fantastic so far. The fashion designer is re ly nice and I learnt tons about fashion and making clothes. What kind of preparation for leaving school do you get? Write and tell me about it - I'd really like to know. Write soon!

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