2 Say what you think on the following questions.
1 Can men and women really do any job they like?
2 What may be some of the problems?
3 What are you good at?
4 What subjects at school are difficult for you?
5 What subjects are you really interested in?
6 What subjects are you not interested in?
7 What jobs do you do at home?
8 Which of them do you like doing and which of them do you
hate doing? Why?
Answers & Comments
1) No, some jobs require a heavier workforce, that only men can provide.
2) Work injuries, that can happen to women, or men given what the job is.
3) Social Science, Russian language and Literature, History, Geography, English and Spanish languages.
4) Algebra and Geometry.
5) History, Social Science, English, Geography.
6) Chemistry, Biology.
7) Don't do any yet.
8) I said I don't do any jobs at home, but I'd probably freelance if I had the chance to.