2. Which British politician was twice the UK Prime minister and led the country to victory in the Second
World War in 1945?
Answer 2:
a) Neville Chamberlain
c) Herbert Kitchener
b) Margaret Thatcher
d) Winston Churchill
3. Belfast is the capital of
Answer 3:
a) Northern Ireland
c) England
b) Wales
d) Scotland
Answer 4:
is the place of coronation for British monarchs.
a) Buckingham Palace
b) Westminster Abbey
5. A is a coin worth 5 cents.
c) Whitehall
d) The Tower
Answer 5:
a) dime
b) penny
c) nickel
d) quarter
Answer 6:
6. When do the British celebrate Saint Patrick's day?
a) March, 25
b) March, 17
c) March, 8
d) March, 27
Answer 7:
7. What is the national symbol of Scotland?
a) shamrock
b) daffodil
c) thistle
d) red rose
Answers & Comments
2. d) Winston Churchill
3. a) Northern Ireland
4. b) Westminster Abbey
5. Не понял вопроса.
6. b) March, 17
7. c) thistle