Д3 - напишіть діалог ( уявіть, що вам необхідно обрати подарунок для незнайомої дівчини. Вас просто запросили на дуже велику вечірку. Вам щось пропонують, але ви відмовляєтесь, потім знов пропонують і ви погоджуєтесь, але ваша подруга)
друг не задоволені томущо заздрять.) це треба на англійській мові,буду вдячна!
Answers & Comments
Відповідь: In the store:
Assistant: Hello! How can I help you?
You: Hi, so I need to buy gift for my friend but I don’t know what is she want. Can are you help me with this?
Assistant: Yea, sure! So we have many gifts, but I need to know Is she like party?
You: I think, yes
Assistant: Oh, I think you need to buy this gift! It’s a really big music player, I think she needs it!
You: Oh, it’s a amazing gift!
In your home:
You: Hi! See, I have an amazing gift!
Your friend: Hi! What’s this?
You: It’s a music player! I bought it because I think she likes a party, maybe because she will be have a party, so and I think she needs it! What are you think about this?
Your friend: Oh, I think it’s not good present!
You: Why?
Your friend: Because, I think she doesn’t like it! And why are you thinking she likes party? Maybe, this party it’s not her thought! I think you don’t need come there!
You: Why? Why are you thinking about this?
You friend: Because, I think it’s so bad gift! If I was have an invitation..
You: But you don’t have it and if you want to come you can text to her! But I will come to this party!
Пояснення: Пробачте, але надіюсь допомогла!