3 Complete the advert with the words below. don't have to have to must (*2) mustn't Right eat something. Boil the water, open the packet, read the instructions ... Oh no, 1 prepare a lot of vegetables! Does this sound like you in the kitchen? If it does, you need READYLUNCH! Open the packet Don't worry - you prepare any vegetables. Just add hot water, sit down and enjoy! But remember, you tell your friends about this or they'll all want one! Go on. You really try it
Answers & Comments
With our awesome READYLUNCH brand-new flavours such as chicken curry and cheeze pasta you don't have to worry about cooking anymore. We added lots of nutritions and vitamins because you must care about your health even if you lack time. You have to buy these yummies before they are sold out in your local shops! Every single food company tells you, that you must take your time to get your luch prepared for an hour or even more, but with us - you musn't! Buy READYBRUNCH, stay up to date!