3 Read the information and complete the text. Use one, two or three words. From: London Early life: interested in acting from age of five Career: first TV job 1999; first big film 2001; several Best Actor awards Plays: guitar Famous for: Harry Potter role; plays and TV dramas
Answers & Comments
3 Прочитайте информацию и заполните текст. Используйте одно, два или три слова. Из: Лондон Ранние годы: интересуюсь актерским мастерством с пяти лет Карьера: первая работа на телевидении 1999; первый большой фильм 2001; несколько наград за лучшую мужскую роль Играет: гитара Известен: роль Гарри Поттера; пьесы и телевизионные драмы
1. This year, Becky and her family AREN'T STAYING in England.
2. Becky's brother ISN'T SUNBATHING BY the pool.
3. Her dad only COOKS when he's ON
4. They're at a nice cafe in THE MOUNTAINS.
5.Becky prefers the cafe food to Dad's special BLACK BARBECUE CHICKEN.
6. Becky's mum likes the FLAMENCO dresses, but Becky doesn't want to DANCE with her.