If you are late, it means that you have not received proper education. The British pay great attention to this point. If you are late, please let us know in advance. Always plan to get to the meeting 5-10 minutes before it starts.
2 Waiting in line
In the UK, people always stand in lines: at the box office to purchase tickets, in shops and even to visit the toilet. Respecting your place in line is considered polite, and never try to skip the line.
3 Conversations on general topics
If you are meeting a person for the first time, it is rude to ask how old he is, what his political orientation or salary is. It is customary to discuss such issues only among friends and good acquaintances.
4 Parties
Usually parties in the UK start early, sometimes at 6-7pm. It is customary to bring a bottle of drink with you: beer, lemonade, juice, wine. If the invitation says BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle - Bring your own bottle), be sure to bring something. But even if nothing is written, it is considered polite if you come to the party with your drink.
5 While in line
The English are known to be very polite people. Always stand at the back of the queue and wait for your turn: to buy a ticket, at the bank, at the post office, to board the bus or train.
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1 Punctuality
If you are late, it means that you have not received proper education. The British pay great attention to this point. If you are late, please let us know in advance. Always plan to get to the meeting 5-10 minutes before it starts.
2 Waiting in line
In the UK, people always stand in lines: at the box office to purchase tickets, in shops and even to visit the toilet. Respecting your place in line is considered polite, and never try to skip the line.
3 Conversations on general topics
If you are meeting a person for the first time, it is rude to ask how old he is, what his political orientation or salary is. It is customary to discuss such issues only among friends and good acquaintances.
4 Parties
Usually parties in the UK start early, sometimes at 6-7pm. It is customary to bring a bottle of drink with you: beer, lemonade, juice, wine. If the invitation says BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle - Bring your own bottle), be sure to bring something. But even if nothing is written, it is considered polite if you come to the party with your drink.
5 While in line
The English are known to be very polite people. Always stand at the back of the queue and wait for your turn: to buy a ticket, at the bank, at the post office, to board the bus or train.