ДАЮ 50 БАЛІВ!!!!!
Вибрати будь-яку тему і написати 7-11 речень на англійській мові.
1) -лист другові по переписці про себе та своїх друзів.
2) - про свої звички у вільний час.
3) -пропонування , рекомендації щодо погіршення здоровья у різних випадках.
Answers & Comments
Topic: Write to a friend about yourself and your friends.
Dear friend,
I hope you are well. I am very happy to be able to share with you key sentences about myself and my friends.
First, about me. My name is [name]. I live in [city or country] and study/work at [educational institution or place of work]. My hobbies include [specify hobby] and I like spending time with friends.
Now about my friends. I have a few close friends that I spend a lot of time with. [Friend's name] is my best friend. We have known each other since childhood and always support each other in everything. We have many common interests and often spend time together.
Another friend of mine is [friend's name]. He/she is new to our company, but we have already become very close. [Friend's name] is an extremely talented person and always meets me in difficult situations.
All my friends are special people who make my life bright and interesting. I am very grateful for their support and friendship.
I will be glad to hear about your friends. how are they How do you spend time together?
I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
[Your name]
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Тема 2, звички у вільний час