Напишите письмо другу по переписке Тому о своем лучшем путешествии (или о том, куда бы вы хотели съездить – на ваш выбор). Объем письма – 100-120 слов. Соблюдайте правила написания письма (прикрепляю файл). В вашем письме дату и адрес не пишите.
В своем письме ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО используйте фактические и оценочные прилагательные.
План письма:
1) write about why you chose this destination;
2) write about the main events during your travelling, including the descriptions of places, people, etc.
3) write about your personal impressions and feelings.
Answers & Comments
hello my friend i don't know who you are but today i will tell you about my trip in rome,Rome is located on the left bank of the Tiber River, 25 km from the Tyrrhenian Sea and at the same distance from the gorge of the Apennines, in a valley that stretches from the Apennines to the sea.Unlike many European cities, the built-up area is only a quarter of the city boundary.Do you know that there is a small city inside Rome, its name is Venice.It is a very amazing city. But unfortunately, scientists predict that it is a sinking city.This is the end of my story.You too go to Rome, unknown friend.
124 слов.