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A well-written paragraph or essay must also have unity, completeness and coherence.
The word COHERENCE comes from the Latin verb "cohere', which means 'hold together'. To achieve coherence in writing, sentences must be arranged according to a certain principle. It means the sentences are ordered in some kind of logical order which makes the text easy to read.
Cohesive devices are various methods of connecting sentences to each other. They include: personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, the use of synonyms and various linking words. The most common type of linking words are transitions. They are words or phrases logically connecting sentences to one another.
There are three basic types of logical ordering: chronological, spatial and logical. There are transitional words and phrases of all these types. (See pages 273- 274 in the Appendix).
An essay is a piece of writing consisting of several paragraphs. Similar to a paragraph, it also discusses one topic but in more details. In essay we have to divide the topic into different aspects and then discuss them in separat e paragraphs. Next, we put the paragraphs together by using linking words or phrases and add an introduction and a conclusion.
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