The bear is a very large and beautiful animal. It is very strong, with one blow it can kill a person. Nature rewarded him with the ability to swim quickly. Grab a fish. Previously, there were more bears, because people did not kill them. The extermination of bears took place many centuries after their birth. Please save the lives of our great friends!
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Медведь - очень большое и красивое животное. Оно очень сильное, с одного удара может убить человека. Природа наградила его способностью быстро плавать. Хватать рыбу. Раньше медведей было больше, ведь люди их не убивали. Истребление медведей произошло уже через много веков после их зарождения. Пожалуйста сохраните жизни нашм большим друзьям!
Answers & Comments
The bear is a very large and beautiful animal. It is very strong, with one blow it can kill a person. Nature rewarded him with the ability to swim quickly. Grab a fish. Previously, there were more bears, because people did not kill them. The extermination of bears took place many centuries after their birth. Please save the lives of our great friends!