One of the most interesting and unusual holidays in Ukraine is Ivana Kupala Day. Even though this holiday has pagan roots, nowadays it is celebrated by everyone - they can be folklore lovers, children, or people who just like to have fun.
Ivan, a widespread Christian Slavic name, is associated with John the Baptist, and "Kupala" refers to the word ‘bathing’ of Slavic origin and the name of Kupala (also called Kupaija) — the god of fertility and harvest.
The celebration day falls on the twenty-fourth of June or on the seventh of July. Not only Ukraine celebrates the summer solstice - Albania, Sweden, and France have their own variations of this holiday.
In fact, people who live in big cities do not have the opportunity to celebrate Ivan Kupala with all its customs. So it is very popular among the villagers, in particular those who live in Western Ukraine. The celebration takes part outdoors, at the bank of a river.
The rituals and customs of this holiday deserve special attention. I bet you've at least heard of jumping over the fire and trying to find a flowering fern! Yes, these are very interesting events, but the celebration is not limited to that. Other rituals include dancing around the Kupala tree, weaving of wreaths, burning of sacks of straw and sinking of tress.
I believe that this holiday is an integral part of Ukrainian folklore, and shouldn't be forgotten by other generations. Besides, it's very exciting!
писала як для класу десятого-одинадцятого, тому додаю переклад незрозумілої лексики:
pagan - язичницький;
widespread - широко розповсюджений;
fertility and harvest - родючість і врожай;
falls on - припадає на;
the summer solstice - літнє сонцестояння;
variations - варіації, варіанти
jumping over the fire and trying to find a flowering fern - стрибати через вогнище і намагатися знайти квітучу папороть;
celebration is not limited to that - святкування цим не обмежується;
dancing around the Kupala tree, weaving of wreaths, burning of sacks of straw and sinking of tress - хороводи навколо купальського дерева, плетіння вінків, спалювання мішків із соломою та потоплення коси;
Answers & Comments
One of the most interesting and unusual holidays in Ukraine is Ivana Kupala Day. Even though this holiday has pagan roots, nowadays it is celebrated by everyone - they can be folklore lovers, children, or people who just like to have fun.
Ivan, a widespread Christian Slavic name, is associated with John the Baptist, and "Kupala" refers to the word ‘bathing’ of Slavic origin and the name of Kupala (also called Kupaija) — the god of fertility and harvest.
The celebration day falls on the twenty-fourth of June or on the seventh of July. Not only Ukraine celebrates the summer solstice - Albania, Sweden, and France have their own variations of this holiday.
In fact, people who live in big cities do not have the opportunity to celebrate Ivan Kupala with all its customs. So it is very popular among the villagers, in particular those who live in Western Ukraine. The celebration takes part outdoors, at the bank of a river.
The rituals and customs of this holiday deserve special attention. I bet you've at least heard of jumping over the fire and trying to find a flowering fern! Yes, these are very interesting events, but the celebration is not limited to that. Other rituals include dancing around the Kupala tree, weaving of wreaths, burning of sacks of straw and sinking of tress.
I believe that this holiday is an integral part of Ukrainian folklore, and shouldn't be forgotten by other generations. Besides, it's very exciting!
писала як для класу десятого-одинадцятого, тому додаю переклад незрозумілої лексики: