напишите электронное письмо своему другу - расскажите, что вы видели и делали на фестивале - порекомендовал блюдо, которое вы пробовали - предоставьте подробную информацию о конкурсе
Hi my friend, yesterday I was at the festival. At this festival we danced to different songs, had fun. There were a lot of different dishes, but the most delicious there were salads and of course a cake. And there were also many different competitions. Everything was very cool and very interesting.
Answers & Comments
Hi my friend, yesterday I was at the festival. At this festival we danced to different songs, had fun. There were a lot of different dishes, but the most delicious there were salads and of course a cake. And there were also many different competitions. Everything was very cool and very interesting.
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