коротка розповідь. Уявіть, що завтра у вас співбесіда в кіно і ви претендуєте на головну роль. Яка це роль? Як би ви описали особистість свого героя? (Всього 5-12 речень).
The role I am auditioning for is the main role of the movie. It's the role of a super hero. I would describe this character as a brave, honest and confident person. My character always selflessly helps people. He fights villains and is not afraid of anything. Other people can always count on him. My character does a huge amount of good things, although stays modest about it. It is such an honor to be auditioning for this role, as I sincerely admire the actions of my character and would like to contribute to it.
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The role I am auditioning for is the main role of the movie. It's the role of a super hero. I would describe this character as a brave, honest and confident person. My character always selflessly helps people. He fights villains and is not afraid of anything. Other people can always count on him. My character does a huge amount of good things, although stays modest about it. It is such an honor to be auditioning for this role, as I sincerely admire the actions of my character and would like to contribute to it.