A little spoiled girl on 31 December looked under the tree there was nothing there. She thought that on the next day there will be gifts. there was nothing on the next day. She was indignant, but then will see a trail of candy wrappers from under sweets. She was walking on the trail out of the house and got lost. She saw the dwarf who eat sweets .She said that he immediately gave her sweets! Dwarf seazal that can be give if she returns differs from other New Year holidays. She said that all give her a lot of it podarkov.Gnomik angry and froze it. She stood there for an hour. When she asked what unfreeze gnome better to give gifts and receive them? She remembered how much she gave gifts and she only resented. She was sweet in his pocket with yesterday. She gave a sweet dwarf and said to give better gifts and smiled. Dwarf zaradovalsya and gave her a bag of candy. Gnome has evaporated, and the girl went home to share sweets with Mom and Dad. переведите текст
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