Допоможіть. Уявіть, що ви щойно приїхали в іноземний університет і вас зарахували в одному зі своїх гуртожитків. Будьте готові до представитися своїм сусідам дізнатися щось про своїх сусідів.
Hi, I'm a new student, and I just moved into this university. My name is [your name], and I live in room [your room number] here in the dormitory/apartment building. It's nice to meet you! As I can see, we are all students here. Maybe you can tell me a bit about yourself? How do you like living here and studying at the university?
Answers & Comments
Hi, I'm a new student, and I just moved into this university. My name is [your name], and I live in room [your room number] here in the dormitory/apartment building. It's nice to meet you! As I can see, we are all students here. Maybe you can tell me a bit about yourself? How do you like living here and studying at the university?