Then I don't think it's fun, but! think it's important. I think it's fun to study. not important rasportant study Language point: Adverbs of frequency 3. Look again at the questionnaire on page 53 and listen to a conversation between Piotr and Jana. Which of the questions from the questionnaire do you hear? 23 Listen again and write true or false for sentences 1-4 1 lana usually does her homework 2. Piotr never watches DVDs and listens to music in English 3 Jana often revises before a test. 4 Piotr sometimes revises before a test. 5 Complete the table with the words in blue in exercise 4. Then choose the correct word in the rule. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday I always study Het studies x * Jana ? studies X They study X X X RULE Adverbs of frequency go before/after the verbs 6 Rewrite the sentences using an adverb from the box in
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