Вот несколько предложений со словом always для выражения раздражения в Present Simple и Present Continuous:
* **Present Simple:**
* You always leave your dirty dishes in the sink.
* She always talks on the phone while driving.
* He always borrows my things and never returns them.
* They always make a mess in the kitchen.
* The kids always fight with each other.
* **Present Continuous:**
* You are always late for work.
* She is always complaining about something.
* He is always talking on the phone.
* They are always fighting with each other.
* The kids are always making a mess.
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Вот несколько предложений со словом always для выражения раздражения в Present Simple и Present Continuous:
* **Present Simple:**
* You always leave your dirty dishes in the sink.
* She always talks on the phone while driving.
* He always borrows my things and never returns them.
* They always make a mess in the kitchen.
* The kids always fight with each other.
* **Present Continuous:**
* You are always late for work.
* She is always complaining about something.
* He is always talking on the phone.
* They are always fighting with each other.
* The kids are always making a mess.
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