Відповідь:Orange juise...+as lemonade,Kate is as...+as her mother,the sandwich with ham is...+as the sandwich with cheese,you are as inteligent as Einstein,the princes...+as a frog, the son is tall as his father,Sam..+as his youngest brother,polly...+as a cucumber , the red car...+ as the blue one,he is so calm!...+wild cat, последнее то что останеться
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Відповідь:Orange juise...+as lemonade,Kate is as...+as her mother,the sandwich with ham is...+as the sandwich with cheese,you are as inteligent as Einstein,the princes...+as a frog, the son is tall as his father,Sam..+as his youngest brother,polly...+as a cucumber , the red car...+ as the blue one,he is so calm!...+wild cat, последнее то что останеться