Створюємо речення згідно ситуації: Сем підхопив застуду і не пішов вчора до школи. Але все ж таки у нього був насичений день. Напишіть у 6 реченнях, що він вже встиг чи не встиг зробити до 6 години вечора вчора (by 6 pm yesterday), використовуючи дієслова visit, take, check, gargle, buy, drink в Past Perfect.
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By 6 pm yesterday, Sam had not gone to school because he had caught a cold.
Despite being sick, he had visited his friend in the morning and spent some time with him.
Sam had taken his medication and some rest in the afternoon to recover from his cold.
Before going to bed, he had checked his emails and completed some pending work assignments.
He had also gargled with saltwater to soothe his sore throat.
Sam had bought some herbal tea and had drunk it before going to bed to help him sleep better.