Cделайте отрицательный и вопросительные предложение из этих предложений:
1. The Smiths have to go to Chicago.
2. He has got to leave the house a little earlier today.
3. We have got to discuss this problem again some day.
4. Simon has to visit his grandmother in Boston.
Answers & Comments
Вопросительное: Do the Smiths have to go to Chicago?
2. Отрицательное: He doesn't have to leave the house a little earlier today.
Вопросительное: Does he have to leave the house a little earlier today?
3. Отрицательное: We don't have got to discuss this problem again some day.
Вопросительное: Do we have got to discuss this problem again some day?
4.Отрицательное: Simon doesn't have got to visit his grandmother in Boston.
Вопросительное: Does Simon have got to visit his grandmother in Boston?