как я поняла тут есть два Топика и из каждого нужно взять по одному вопросу и ответить. если да то вот
Topic 1:
How do you feel about eating junk food?
I believe that if you eat a lot of junk food, then serious health problems can appear and it is better to avoid overeating junk food.
Topic 2:
What kinds of job are not popular among young people?
I think that such works as: mechanic, teacher, secretary and lawyer are no longer so relevant for the young people.
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как я поняла тут есть два Топика и из каждого нужно взять по одному вопросу и ответить. если да то вот
Topic 1:
How do you feel about eating junk food?
I believe that if you eat a lot of junk food, then serious health problems can appear and it is better to avoid overeating junk food.
Topic 2:
What kinds of job are not popular among young people?
I think that such works as: mechanic, teacher, secretary and lawyer are no longer so relevant for the young people.