Complete the sentences with compound adjectives from the box.
old-fashioned; narrow-minded; densely-populated; well-behaved; well-educated; high-spirited; brightly-lit.
4)I can’t stand _______________________ people who are intolerant of new ideas.
5) They have three ________________ children.
6) We had lunch in an_________________ restaurant with décor from the 1950s.
7) This _________________ area has the highest crime rates in the country.
8) The students gave a _______________________ musical performance.
9) A lot of _______________ people are still having trouble finding jobs.
10) We live on a _________________ street in the city center.
Answers & Comments
4. narrow-minded
5. well-behaved
6. old-fashioned
7. densley-populated
8. high-spirited
9. well-educated
10. brightly-lit