Complete the sentences with forms of transport.
1.) A l_______is big and it transport things on roads.
2.) S t_______uses electricity. It travels on streets in cities.
3.) A lot of people can go on a b_______at the same time. It travels on roads in towns and cities.
4.) A m_______'s got two wheels and an engine. It can go very fast, 200 Kilometres per hour.
5.) A b_______travels on water.
6.) About four people can travel in a t_______. You pay the driver when you get out.
7.) A b_______'s got two wheels and you ride it. It hasn't got an engine.
8.) Most families have got one c_______. It's got tour wheels and you drive it.
9.)A lot of people can go a c_______ at the same time. It travels on motorways between cities.
10.) A m_______'s got two wheels and a motor. It can't go very fast like a motorbike.
11.) A p_______flies in air.
12.) You get on a t_______ at a railway station. It can travel very fast.​
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