Student's Book, Part 1, pages 4-5 1 Words to learn. Write translations and try to remember these words, (CHOBB DI123 Напиши перевод этих слов и выучи их.) Word Pronunciation Transla O an adventure ləd'ventſəl TUKUHULL 1 an article /'a:tikəll 2 a competition /kpmpə'tiſn/ 3 a language /'længwidz/ 4 a magazine magazin/ 5 science /saiəns/ Complete the words. Then mark the words and phrases of agreement by hrases of disagreement by 8. (Допиши слова. Затем отметь слова и фр:
Answers & Comments
1) an adventure-приключение, 2) an article-
статья, 3) a competition-соревнование, 4) a magazin- журнал, 5) a science- наука.