Correct the mistakes in the sentences using bare or to-infinitive. If the sentence is correct, write “OK”.

Исправьте ошибки в предложениях, используя инфинитив с частицей to или без неё. Если предложение верное, напишите ОК.

You should to drink enough water. ____________________________________
I promise to visit you next week. _____________________________________
We must to make the greatest effort to rebuild our business. ________________________________________________________________
She refused to call him again. _______________________________________
It’s important get enough sleep. ______________________________________
Nobody saw us to leave the house. ____________________________________
Let me to give an example to illustrate my point of view. ________________________________________________________________
You had better to speak to her in person. _______________________________
I cannot but regret my decision. ______________________________________
You needn’t to be afraid of the dark. __________________________________
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