ДАМ 25 БАЛОВ translate the sentences into Russian. 1)Мы готовимся к Пасхе. 2) Мама печет лулич. 3) Варя красит яйца. 4) Ваня моет окно. 5) Папа покупает шоколадных яйцев
Answers & Comments
1 We are preparing for Easter. 2 Mum is baking kulich(a cake). 3 Varya is painting eggs. 4 Ivan is cleaning(washing) the window. 5 Dad is buying chocolate Easter bunnies .
Answers & Comments
2 Mum is baking kulich(a cake).
3 Varya is painting eggs.
4 Ivan is cleaning(washing) the window.
5 Dad is buying chocolate Easter bunnies .
Verified answer
1) We are preparing for Easter.2) Mom bakes cake.
3)Cooking paints eggs.
4) Ivan is mashingthe window.
5) Dad buys chocolate bunnis .