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Слова помощники : attachment, blog, delete, document, download,e-book,e-mail address,file, in-box, keyboard, laptop, link , online, password, sign in

1.2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. I can send you a message if you let me know your ......
2. Ifyou click on that ......, it will take you to a new website.
3. I sent you a message this morning. Did you check your .......
4. How many hours a day are you ........
5. I bring my ......... computer to work.
6. How do you upload and ........files?
7. Be careful when you decide to open a ...... It may have a virus!
8. I write about my travel experiences on my own personal ........
9. You can ......... any computer document or e-mail message that you don't want to keep.
10. Oh no! I just spilled my coffee on my computer ........! My boss will be really angry.
11. I almost never buy books at a bookstore anymore. I usually read ...... s. to your e-mail account with your username and 12. You can ...... password.
13. Our teacher sent us an e-mail with an attachment called homework. doc - *doc' means ......
14. My .......is a secret. Only I know it.
15. I took a photo of our school yesterday, and sent it to you as an........
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