1. In order to check in
2. You can put it on a trolley and push it to the check-in-desk where someone will check your ticket and weight your luggage
3. You have to pay for it
4. Passengers go to the departure lounge to wait till their flight is announced
5. It’s a shop where you can buy some goods
6. The plane moves to the runaway and then it moves faster and faster and takes off
7. Yes, the writer likes travelling by air because it’s fun
8. He likes listening to music and sometimes sleeps
Положить багаж на тележку, сверхнормативный багаж, лента проверки багажа, легкий багаж, сотрудник иммиграционной службы, зал ожидания (вылета), посадка, самолёт, пограничный контроль, экипаж, предупредить всех, трясти, покинуть самолёт
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Answers & Comments
1. In order to check in
2. You can put it on a trolley and push it to the check-in-desk where someone will check your ticket and weight your luggage
3. You have to pay for it
4. Passengers go to the departure lounge to wait till their flight is announced
5. It’s a shop where you can buy some goods
6. The plane moves to the runaway and then it moves faster and faster and takes off
7. Yes, the writer likes travelling by air because it’s fun
8. He likes listening to music and sometimes sleeps
Положить багаж на тележку, сверхнормативный багаж, лента проверки багажа, легкий багаж, сотрудник иммиграционной службы, зал ожидания (вылета), посадка, самолёт, пограничный контроль, экипаж, предупредить всех, трясти, покинуть самолёт