ДАЮ СТО БАЛЛОВ Work in pairs compare opinions about 1-8 use the key phrases in exercise 3.
1. The best channel.
2. The best show.
3. The best presenter.
4. The best advert.
5. The worst presenter
6. The funniest character
7. The most boring programme.
8. The channel with the most adverts.
Answers & Comments
1. The best channel in my opinion is Disney.
2. The best show is America's got talents.
3. The best presenter is about free wi-fi.
4. The best advert is Nikolay Kolashnikov. xd
5. The worst presenter is about work.
6. The funniest characters are Tom & Jerry
7. The most boring programme is "Pust Govoryat"
8. The channel with the most adverts is Russia 24