написати діалог зі своєю морською свинкою. Уявіть, що Ваша морська свинка може розмовляти, запитуйте її про сім'ю, її зовнішній вигляд і зовнішність членів його сім'ї. срочно потрібно здати в 22.00!!!
-Hello, guinea pig (можна замість цього встави будь яке ім'я свинки)! I didn't know you could talk. Can I ask you a few things?
-Yes, of course you can.
-Do you have a family? Can you tell me about them?
-Yes, I had a family before you took me from the pet store. I had a mom and a dad, as well as several brothers and sisters.
-And what did they look like?
-My mom was a very fluffy white guinea pig and my dad was a regular red guinea pig like me. All my brothers looked like mom, and all my sisters looked like dad.
-Did you enjoy playing with them?
-Yes, I loved to play with all of them, but one of my brothers didn't want to play.
-He liked to eat most of all.
-Do you think your family is also now with other people?
-Yes, I hope they live with owners as good as you.
Answers & Comments
-Hello, guinea pig (можна замість цього встави будь яке ім'я свинки)! I didn't know you could talk. Can I ask you a few things?
-Yes, of course you can.
-Do you have a family? Can you tell me about them?
-Yes, I had a family before you took me from the pet store. I had a mom and a dad, as well as several brothers and sisters.
-And what did they look like?
-My mom was a very fluffy white guinea pig and my dad was a regular red guinea pig like me. All my brothers looked like mom, and all my sisters looked like dad.
-Did you enjoy playing with them?
-Yes, I loved to play with all of them, but one of my brothers didn't want to play.
-He liked to eat most of all.
-Do you think your family is also now with other people?
-Yes, I hope they live with owners as good as you.