Народ помогите, треба зробити одне питання та одну відповідь. Це приклад (Do you want to sleep? Yes, I want to sleep. Does he need to eat? No, he doesn't need to eat.) А це слова з якими треба робити питання та відповідь. 30 слів.
want, need, tell, work, jump, live, call, try, sit, stand, ask, write, run, speak, love, hate, have, do, get, say, make, go, know, see, take, come, think, give, use, find.
Answers & Comments
Do you want to jump? yes, I want to jump.
Does Emily tell you about her problems?-No,she doesn't tall me about her problems.
Do they write the tekst about their family? yes, they write the tekst about their family.