August 2022 1 20 Report
Напишіть як воно читається ПО АНГЛ.
Хто напише подарую 20б.

1.There are three main features which characterize mass media.
2.Secondly, they are always aimed at a large audience there must be a speker or any other source of information.
3.Press is considered to be a classic form of mass media.
4.It includes newspapers, magazines, and all other printed publscations issued with a specific periodicity.
5.Electronic mass media include radio, television and internet.
6.Telievision is the most effective one with the biggest audience of all.
7.Television brings world to our living-rooms.
8.Close or long-term watching has a bad effect on the eyes.
9.The internet displayed all other means from use beause.
10.The internet represents all sourcer in one.
11.The press, the radio and television play an important role in the life of society.
12.They inrorm, educate and entertain people.
13. There are sone arauments against TV.
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