Вариант №1
1)Выберите правильный вариант множественного числа для слова mouse
А) mouses
Б) mices
В) mice

2)Выбери правильный вариант: The letter ___ А) written.
may be
Б) must be
В) must

3)Вставьте необходимый предлог: The key is made ___ metal.
А) from
Б) of

4)Вставьте необходимый предлог: A train ticket ____London is expensive.
А) to
Б) for

5)Выбери правильную форму глагола: The building ______ two years ago.
А) was destroyed
Б) is destroyed
В) destroyed

6)Выбери правильную форму глагола: ______ he ______ at the airport tomorrow?
А) Will … he meet
Б) Are …being met
В) Is … being met

7)Дополни предложение: I was very tired when I arrived home. I ___ hard all day.
А) had been working
Б) were working
В) have been working

8)Заполни пропуски: We ____always ____sweets А) when we were kids.
Б) are eating
В) were eating

9)Выберите правильную форму глагола: Since then I ______ my job several time.
А) changed
Б) has changed
В) have changed

10)Выбери правильную форму глагола: Many accidents ___by careless driving.
А) are caused
Б) are being caused
В) were caused

11)Закончите предложение, употребив инфинитив или герундии: I like to___.
А) cooking
Б) cook

12)Закончите предложение, выбрав глагол в нужной форме: She … since eight o clock. It is time she woke up.
А) has slept
Б) has been sleeping

13)Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную. She says to him, “I have a right to know.”

А) she says him she has a right to know
Б) she tells him that she has a right to know

14)Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную: I asked them, “Have you been to Africa?”

А) I asked them whether they had been to Africa
Б) I asked them whether they have been to Africa

15)Закончите предложение, поставив глагол в нужную форму: She ____ Boris all her life.

А) has known
Б) has been knowing

16Дополни предложение глаголом: She said she ___remember her name.

А) can`t
Б) couldn`t

17)Закончите предложение, поставив глагол в нужную форму: After Mary _____the shopping, she went home.

А) done
Б) had done

18)Запиши предложение, расставив слова в правильном порядке

doesn`t / hard / Kevin / work /enough
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