Ex. 5. Write their names. The Mississippi, The Potomac River, Washington,D.C., The Great Lakes, Uluru, Badwater, 1. The five big lakes on the border of the USA and Canada ______________________________________ 2. The biggest river in the USA ____________________________________________________________ 3. The capital of the USA _________________________________________________________________ 4. The River Washington,D.C. stands on _____________________________________________________ 5. The lake situated in Death Valley _________________________________________________________
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Answers & Comments
2.The Mississippi
3.Washington D.C.
5.Вообще Badwater-это марафон, а не озеро, насколько я знаю
2)The biggest river in the USA: The Mississippi;
3) The capital of the USA: Washington,D.C;
4)The River Washington,D.C. stands on: The Potomac River;
5)The lake situated in Death Valley: Badwater.
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