Exercise 2: Combine the following sentences using relative pronouns:
1.- Mr and Mrs Taylor have had a baby. They live next door.
Mr and Mrs Taylor, who live next door, have had a baby_
2.- Madonna has won several Grammys. She is a famous singer.
3.- The Prime Minister will open a new hospital. He has a very busy agenda.
4.- John will come to Paris next week. He travels a lot.
5.- The new museum is devoted to Natural Sciences. It is located downtown.
6.- Last week this reporter interviewed Obama. He was President of USA in the past.
7.- The Eiffel tower was finished in 1889. It is an important monument in France.
Answers & Comments
генеральный директор ООО ТД ООО а также на всякий кто
Verified answer
2 Madonna, who has won several Grammys, is a famous singer. or
Madonna, who is a famous singer, has won several Grammys.
3 The Prime Minister who will open a new hospital has a very busy agenda. or
The Prime Minister, who has a very busy agenda , will open a new hospital .
4 John, who travels a lot, will come to Paris next week. or
John, who will come to Paris next week, travels a lot.
5 The new museum, which is devoted to Natural Sciences, is located downtown. or
The new museum, which is located downtown, is devoted to Natural Sciences.
6 Last week this reporter interviewed Obama who was President of USA in the past.
7 The Eiffel tower, which was finished in 1889, is an important monument in France. or
The Eiffel tower, which is an important monument in France, was finished in 1889.
каждое предложение ( кроме 6го) можно переделать 2мя способами-смотря какое значение вы хотите передать!