Составить утвердительные,отрицательные и вопросительные предложения из слов,написанных на фрагментах папируса.
1) she /ten/?/is-
2)Owl the Wise/where/?/is-
3) the Lost Town ofJungle/?/is/where-
4)?/is/your name/what-
8)?/a/is/cow/it/black and white-
10) are /./parrots / my / these-
11)can*t/ penguins /./fly
Answers & Comments
1.Where is the Wise Owl?
2.Where is Owl the Wise?
(2-ой вариант, если "Owl the Wise" считается за имя/название)
3) Where is the Lost Town of Jungle?
4) What is your name?
5) Are they funny?
6) May I light the candle?
7) It is not a baboon.
8) Is it a black and white cow?
9) How old are you?
10) These are my parrots.
11) Penguins can not fly.
2.Where is the wise Owl?
3.Where is the Lost Town ofJungle?
4.What is your name?
5.Are they funny?
6. May I light the candle
7. It isn't a baboon
8. Is it a black and white cow?
9.How old are you
10. these are my parrots.
11. penguins can't fly