Выберите предлог, и объясните почему, пожалуйста)
Choose the correct preposition:
1. I’m tired of/ with this work and feel exhausted.
2. Maria was pleased for/ with the graduation party we organized.
3. I still believe in/ for miracles.
4. This festival is famous for/ with the best fireworks display in the world.
5. The reason of/ for our meeting is to plan the festive events for the new season.
6. I’m tired of/ with this work and feel exhausted.
7. Maria was pleased for/ with the graduation party we organized.
8. I still believe in/ for miracles.
9. This festival is famous for/ with the best fireworks display in the world.
10. The reason of/ for our meeting is to plan the festive events for the new season.
Answers & Comments
2pleased for
3believe in
4famous for
5 the reason of
6,7,8,9,10 - повторения