for the unit «Transport I v. 1. Listening. Fill in the gaps with One or Two words. Transportation hasn't really (1) changes a lot in the past 100 years. When you think about changes in (2) oser au pire of our life, transportation is pretty much the same as it was years ago. OK, cars, trains and airplanes are faster, but they're not so different than they were 50 years ago. Take airplanes, for example. I think air travel has (3) of wors_.Fifty years ago, people flew and were given great service. Today, you are like sardines in a can. And look at cars. The cars from fifty years ago look nicer than today's ones. They still had four wheels, (4) constipatrol and had a steering wheel. I think transportation will really only change when it becomes more personal. I am waiting for my own (5) Chat of mini-copter.
Answers & Comments
Transportation hasn’t really changed a lot in the past 100 years. When you think about changes in other areas of our life, transportation is pretty much the same as it was years ago. OK, cars, trains and airplanes are faster, but they’re not so different than they were 50 years ago. Take airplanes, for example. I think air travel has got worse. Fifty years ago, people flew and were given great service. Today, you are like sardines in a can. And look at cars. The cars from fifty years ago look nicer than today’s ones. They still had four wheels, used petrol and had a steering wheel. I think transportation will really only change when it becomes more personal. I’m waiting for my own jet pack or mini-copter.
Транспорт практически не изменился за последние 100 лет. Когда вы думаете об изменениях в других сферах нашей жизни, транспорт остается почти таким же, как и много лет назад. Хорошо, машины, поезда и самолеты быстрее, но они не так уж отличаются от тех, что были 50 лет назад. Возьмем, к примеру, самолеты. Я думаю, что авиаперевозки ухудшились. Пятьдесят лет назад люди летали и получали большую услугу. Сегодня ты как сардина в банке. И если посмотреть на машины. Они пятидесятилетней давности выглядят лучше, чем сегодняшние. У них все еще было четыре колеса, они использовали бензин и имели рулевое колесо. Я думаю, что транспорт действительно изменится только тогда, когда он станет более личным. Жду свой собственный джетпак или миникоптер. #SPJ1