HELP!!! Мне нужно сочинение на английском языке. В самом сочинении надо написать про лагерь(к примеру лагерь дружбы,спорта, сна вообщем любую подобную
тему ), что в нём есть (пример.. в лагере спорта есть несколько футбольных площадок..) чем вы там можете заниматься, что вы там узнаете и.т.д.
желательно чтобы в тексте присутствовали эти слова (не все хотя бы 2-3):
expect - ожидать leave anyone cold - оставлять равнодушным
get acquainted - знакомиться give a very warm welcome - приветствовать
forecast - прогнозировать rair weather friends - плохие друзья
research - исследовать
заранее спасибо
Answers & Comments
Inour camp there were 12 units, and I came in fifth. Counselors DanielIvanovic, Svetlana Igorevna and Anna Vladimirovna jokingly called us"pioneers".
Even in "Sunny" four shifts, each for 18 days. Iarrived just in time for the best: the third. The first days I was stillhomesick, but soon the camp of the case captivated me entirely.
Everyday we've had lots of different concerts and competitions. For example,we noted the "Neptune Day" and were making masks, hats and jewelry fromplastic wrappers, old shiny discs of colored paper. Then we dressed upin mermaids, fish, water, even in the "sponge Bob", danced and sang.
Inthe camp there were several circles. Girls sewing soft toys, wovenbeaded jewelry. I went to the clay modelling and computer class.
Itwas a lot of fun on the sea. It is a pity that swim for a long time didnot allow counselors. But we played volleyball on the sand. In theevening we went with counselors at the disco and was always late for thebeginning because of the girls, who had long been collected andpainted.
We exchangedwith friends on the camp phone, and then found each other online. Andnow communicate, remember "the sun". I want to go again!